Momentum Development LLC is a Colorado based real estate developer. We have extensive experience with the development of residential subdivisions, master planned communities, multi-family housing, flexible use commercial garage condos, and self-storage properties.

Momentum Development, LLC
Owned by Jeff and James (Jamie) Temple. The Temple brothers have over 20 years of experience in the real estate industry, including the development of several master-planned communities, several multi-family projects, and self-storage. Momentum Development, LLC is focused primarily on opportunities along the Front Range in Colorado. Momentum won several awards for its TOD apartment project in Lakewood, Colorado called West Line Flats. This project received Energy Star Certification and the coveted "Certified Healthy" designation. Momentum owns Bennett Mini Storage, Ft. Collins Cubesmart, and Brighton Cubesmart.
About Jeff
Jeff graduated from the University of Colorado and was an All-American on the ski team. He co-founded Spyder skiwear in 1978 and ran the company until 1993. He is a member of the Urban Land Institute and serves on the ULI Colorado Apartment Council and the National ULI TOD Council. Jeff was the developer of MAYTAG MOUNTAIN RANCH in Westcliffe and managing partner and developer of MARABOU in Steamboat Springs. Jeff teamed with brother Jamie to develop WATER DANCE ON LAKE DILLON and STORM MOUNTAIN RANCH in Steamboat Springs.
About Jamie
Jamie founded Case Logic in 1984 and was the President and CEO until 1996. He attended the University of Colorado and was named to the U.S. Ski Team in 1975. He was a board member of the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Foundation. Jamie was a partner in II PALAZO in Houston, Texas, and co-manager for the development of UPTOWN BROADWAY in Boulder, Colorado. Jamie teamed with brother Jeff to develop WATER DANCE ON LAKE DILLON and STORM MOUNTAIN RANCH in Steamboat Springs.
Sustainability is part of our mission statement.
We are proud to have won the Smart Growth Award from Governor Romer, and the Sustainability Award from the City of Steamboat Springs. We are proud to announce our West Line Flats Apartments qualified as Certified Healthy! Our goal is to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.